Qualtrics vs SurveyGizmo


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Qualtrics Review


Survey software that will make you smile

Surveygizmo Review

Round 1: Pricing

BasicOn request$25/ month
ProOn request$69 /month


Winner: SurveyGizmo!

Qualtrics pricing is available on request but starts around $2500/year, but its analysis features are second to none. It also has a free version up to 250 responses. SurveyGizmo offers Basic, Pro, and Premier plans, but the Pro plan should be adequate for almost any business.

Round 2: Features

Features:Google FormsSurveyGizmo
Company Brandingy
Own Domain Linksyy
Theme Templatesyy
Customizable Templatesyy
Unlimited ResponsesyBEST
Save & Resumey
Offline SurveysyBEST
Logic ThreadingyBEST
Actions & NotificationsyBEST
Basic Reportingyy
Advanced ReportingBESTy
A/B Split Testingy
Pay for Selected Responsesy
Password Protectionyy
Secure Linksyy
Optimized for Mobileyy
Accept Paymenty
Exporting Datayy


Winner: Quatrics!

Qualtrics is the Ferrari of survey software, used by half of the Fortune 500 and with hundreds of ways to analyze your data. That’s not to say that SurveyGizmo is a bad choice, the Pro package has all the features most businesses require. SurveyGizmo also allows accepting payment directly through your form or survey. SurveyGizmo might have more blocks of the table filled out and is a good all-rounder, but the Qualtrics features are much more advanced.

Round 3: Integrations

Integration levelLOWMED/HIGH
Google ApsY
Customer Relationship Management (Salesforce)YY
Email MarketingY
Content ManagementY


Winner: SurveyGizmo!

Qualtrics only integrates with Salesforce but does have developer access to the API, whereas SurveyGizmo integrates directly with Salesforce and Exact Target, along with some content management systems. It also connects indirectly with many more through Zapier.

Round 4: Language support

Automatic (Machine) translationNo Automatic Language Support


Winner: SurveyGizmo! 

Qualtrics does not any default translations, but does support multiple languages per survey, and can automatically populate the survey with machine translation. SurveyGizmo supports translation of up to 200 different languages and is easy to set up, however you must supply the translated text yourself.

The battle score

Overall Winner: SurveyGizmo!

But you might prefer Qualtrics if:

  • You have extremely high volumes of surveys and responders
  • You need the best data analysis available
  • You don’t mind paying premium prices for premium features
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